Saturday, November 22, 2008

Liberia Pictures

Eric and I took over 1,100 pictures of our trip. I wish I could show them all but that is just impossible so I chose a few to share with you. Hope you enjoy them.

This is a picture of Eric and I at the church Eric preached at on Sunday. The church purchased these Liberian outfits for us. They had us put the outfits on and show them off. It was supper hot and Eric and I were already very sweaty and then we added the additional clothing. Boy were we burning up. It was very nice of them to give us these clothes.

This is a picture of the kids from Banal Farms. These kids are amazing. They can quote Bible scriptures off the top of their heads, one scripture after another. They put me to shame in the Bible memorization.
They also had a time of prayer and boy are they sincere and powerful.
Missy and I picked a couple of little girls up so they could be in the picture and they were so excited. All the kids kept touching us, we were like celebrities.

This picture is of me singing at the crusade. Thankfully it was a group of us that sang, God knows I'm not a soloist!

This is the Corina Hotel, were we stayed for the week in Liberia. It isn't to bad here. It definitely looks better on the outside but it could have been worse. For the most part the generators ran and we had air conditioning and electricity in the room so I am very thankful.

On Sunday I taught Sunday School. I took a bag of Jolly Ranchers with me to hand out to the kids. Unfortunately I didn't have enough for everyone. With our weight restrictions on the airplane I was limited on how much stuff I could bring.

I gave the candies away to those that could quote scriptures. I had little ones from the age 3 up to the age 16 in the class and they all did such a great job. I was so sorry I ran out of candy.

This is the rain that came pouring down one of the days that we were there. When it rains, it pours!

A snapshot of the thousands of people that attended the crusade. I believe that there were thousands of lives changed but only eternity will show the true outcome of this crusade.

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